It’s been a busy start to the year for the FAUN Trackway® team travelling across the USA and Canada to a number of exhibitions to promote the products and services of FAUN Trackway®.
Earlier this month, our Product Support Engineer, Neil Wigley, teamed up with our Canadian consultant, Robert Kendall for our annual attendance at Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) held 8th-11th May in Texas.
As a frequent visitor FAUN Trackway® USA, Inc had a fantastic stand location with proportionate footfall. Many visitors recognised FAUN Trackway® USA, Inc as the world leader of runway solutions; they were familiar with our products and services and were keen to find out more about how our suite of expedient recovery matting products could be used to support their operations.
In particular, comments were passed on our bold visual graphics which demonstrate our products in action and were repeatedly utilised during conversations to demonstrate the capabilities of our expeditionary recoverable matting.
The FAUN Trackway® USA, Inc team will next be exhibiting at SWIFT in Nova Scotia from 18th-22nd September alongside Modern Day Marine (MDM) from 19th-21st September. We will then will be counting down to the imminent flagship exhibition AUSA in Washington in October!